
Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice

The AI is required to receive federal housing and community development block grant funding and document efforts to affirmatively further fair housing choice. The AI reviews impediments to fair housing choice in the public and private sector and defines actions to overcome the impediments.

CDBG Advisory Committee

The role of the CDBG Advisory Committee is to provide input and make recommendations to City Council regarding the allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds awarded to projects, programs, and services that improve the lives of Moore’s low and moderate income residents; advise City Council on general advice on human services in Moore as related to the administration of these programs.

This CDBG Advisory Committee holds one public hearing and three public meetings to review public service applications and provide funding recommendations for activities carried out through the CDBG Program. Meetings are typically in the following months and start at 5:30pm:

  • May - Public Service Allocations and Community Needs W/Executive Session
  • June - Review of Draft FY Action Plan
  • November - Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) Public Hearing and CDBG Advisory Committee Meeting

CDBG Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule

  • Chairman
    Louie Williams
  • Vice Chairman
    Janie Milum
  • Member
    Ralph Sherrard
  • Member
    Mark Hamm
  • Member
    Kelley Mattocks
  • Member
    Sean Evans
  • Member
    Melissa Hunt
  • Member
    Kathy Garrity

2023 CDBG Public Services

Aging Services, Inc. receives CDBG funds to administer a Home Delivered Meals Program for home-bound senior adult residents in Moore. Participants will be assessed and found to be home-bound. The meals will be provided 5 days per week for a total of 260 servings per year. The delivery of the meal will also serve as a check on the well-being of the senior adult.

The mission of Aging Services, Inc. is to enhance the lives and dignity of Cleveland County senior adults and provide programs, services, and referrals that assist and promote healthy independent living.

For further information or assistance please contact Aging Services, Inc. at 405-321-3200 or their website here.

Bethesda, Inc. receives CDBG funds to administer a Childhood Sexual Abuse Victims and Caregiver Therapy Program for children who reside in Moore. Sexually abused children ages 3 to 18 and their non-offending caregiver are eligible for counseling services to heal the trauma of sexual abuse. Staff will complete an assessment of trauma and history of abuse and determine placement of child in individual or group counseling.

The mission of Bethesda, Inc. is to heal the trauma of childhood sexual abuse through therapy, education, and prevention.

For further information or assistance please contact Bethesda at 405-364-0333 or visit their website here.

Mary Abbott Children's House receives CDBG funds to assist in administering a Forensic Interview Program. This program minimizes the number of times a children must share their experiences of sexual abuse and neglect. Children ages 3 to 18 in the City of Moore are given the opportunity to tell his or her experience to one adult. This reduces the possibility of secondary trauma. This agency must receive the request for assistance from law enforcement or DHS Child Protective Services.

The mission of Mary Abbott Children's House is to prevent abuse, advocate for children, and foster hope and healing. It is their goal to reduce the trauma child victims experience by giving them a safe place to share their experiences through a forensic interview and obtain medical assessments after instances of abuse and neglect. Additionally, they strive to assist families by providing advocacy and referrals to services that will set children and their families on the path to healing. Finally, they seek to educate the general public on child abuse response and encourage individuals to report suspected abuse to the proper authorities in a way that minimizes additional trauma for the child.

For further information or assistance please contact Mary Abbott Children's House at 405-579-5800 or visit their website here.

The City of Moore contracts with the Metropolitan Fair Housing Council of Oklahoma, Inc. to provide fair housing services to Moore residents. These services include fair housing counseling, investigation and testing, complaint referral, mediation services, legal referral, and fair housing/fair lending educational services.

The Metropolitan Fair Housing Council of Oklahoma, Inc. is a private non-profit fair housing agency dedicated to the creation of racially and economically integrated communities and the elimination of housing discrimination.

For further information or assistance please contact Metropolitan Fair Housing Council of Oklahoma, Inc. at 405-232-3247 or visit their website here.

Moore Youth and Family Services, Inc. receives CDBG funds to assist in administering two programs:

The first program is the First Time Offenders Program for at risk children, ages 6 to 17 in the City of Moore. These children are at risk of suspension/dropping out of school, involvement in the juvenile system, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, as well as substance abuse. This program will provide needed community-based services that includes counseling, socialization, and educational assistance to adults, youth, and their families who are experiencing a variety of problems. The Agency Objectives' emphasize enhancing or bringing into being, behavior that is within the bounds of social appropriateness. It is felt that counseling and support from the agency and increased self and interpersonal awareness on the part of the client will allow successful resolution of problems.

The second program is the School Based Intervention Service Program that provides an early intervention via School Based Services to the Moore Public School System's secondary students. School Based Service members work with secondary students who are at risk of dropping out or being suspended from school, using substances, and/or exhibiting aggressive behaviors rather than utilizing healthy coping skills. Early intervention, support, and education is provided to students through individual sessions, group sessions, and consultation/linkage with parents/guardians and school employees. The program specifically targets students who are at higher risk than average for school problems.

The mission of Moore Youth and Family Services, Inc. is to support community0based programs that provide behavioral health services to adults, youth, and families. 

For further information or assistance please contact Moore Youth and Family Services, Inc. at 405-799-3379 or visit their website here.

Rose Rock Habitat for Humanity receives CDBG funds to assist in an Emergency Repair Program that benefits the residents of the city of Moore. The Emergency Repair Program works directly with homeowners to review the financial need and assess the repairs needed to the home. This program focuses on low-income and underserved populations as well as individuals with disabilities and those who are aging in place. This program also helps to reduce pressure on emergency services in the community by fixing repairs which may be safety hazards or immediate health risks.

The mission of Rose Rock Habitat for Humanity is to bring people together to build homes, community, and hope throughout Cleveland and Pottawatomie County.

For further information or assistance please contact Rose Rock Habitat for Humanity at 405-366-2813 or visit their website here.

St. Vincent de Paul receives CDBG funds to assist in their Utility and Rental Assistance Program. The funds are used to pay utility bills such as ONG, OG&E, and City of Moore. A portion of the funds are used towards the Oxford House which is a half way house for recovering addicts, covering their first week's rental.

Founded in 1833, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a worldwide organization of lay Catholics, following Christ's call to serve the poor, the suffering, and the deprived.

For further information or assistance please contact St. Vincent de Paul at 405-799-3334 or visit their website here.

Consolidated and Annual Action Plans

Every three to five years, each CDBG Entitlement grantee must prepare a complete Consolidated Plan. The Consolidated Plan identifies community needs, resources, and priorities. In addition, an Annual Action Plan is prepared every year that provides information on the intended use of HUD program funds to address needs identified in the Consolidated Plan.

Consolidated Annual Performance Report

The Consolidated Annual Performance Report (CAPER) must include both a summary of programmatic accomplishments and an assessment of progress toward meeting the priority needs and specific objectives identified in a grantee’s Consolidated Plan.

Infrastructure Projects

General Description: This is a proposed project to provide labor and material for 3050 LF of Sanitary Sewer Pipe Bursting, installation of 48-Fusible Saddles, 500 LF of 4” PVC Sanitary Sewer Service Pipe and 300 LF of Temporary Silt Fencing, rehabilitation of 12-Manholes w/ Strong Seal and 10 VF of additional Vertical Footage, 3050 LF of Pre/Post CCTV Inspection of Sanitary Sewer Main, and all other work associated with installation, such as mobilization, clearing & grubbing, and 3000 SY of sodding.

Vendor: Veolia Water North America-Central, LLC

General Description: This is a proposed project to provide labor, materials, and equipment to perform post tensioned concrete slab, 60' X 60' layout, elevation control and form setting double 6 mil visquine vapor barrior, 1/2" post tensioned cables and all hardware to install pre and post tensioning labor and material PSI concrete, pumped, placed, finished and cured, pickleball net post, net, and sleeves installed, and installation of complete standard sportmaster surfacing with basketball and pickleball lines.

Vendor: Merritt Tennis & Track Systems

rev. 03/11/24

General Description: 1,520 LF of Sanitary Sewer Pipe Bursting, installation of 50-Fusible Saddles, 515 LF of 4" PVC Sanitary Sewer Service Pipe, and 230 LF of temporary silt fence, rehabilitation of 7 manholes with strong seal and 27 VF of additional vertical footage, 1,520 LF of pre/post CCTV inspection of sanitary sewer main, and all other works associated with installation, such as mobilization, clearing, and grubbing, and 2,000 SY of sodding.

Vendor: Veolia Water North America-Central, LLC

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