Sales Tax and Property Tax
The sales tax in Moore, charged on purchases, is currently 8.5%. Of this amount the city receives 3.875%, the state 4.5% and Cleveland County 0.125%. Sales tax is the primary revenue source for the City and funds necessary services. On average, 64% of the City's revenue comes from sales tax.
Tax levies are referred to as “millage” and are calculated as dollars per thousand. This means that you are taxed $1 for every $1,000 of assessed value of your property. Taxes are figured by taking the assessed value of your property and multiplied by overall millage rate for your taxing district. Currently, residents of the City of Moore have 4 taxing entities; Cleveland County, Moore Schools, Moore Norman Technology Center and the City of Moore Sinking Fund. The Moore's City Council is committed to keeping the City's millage rate below 16.5.
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
14.50 | 15.45 | 15.31 | 15.42 | 15.49 |
Most of the funding for the city comes from sales tax however, if a bond in your city is approved by the voters, a portion of your property taxes go in to the city sinking fund.
City Sinking Fund – This fund applies to properties that are subject to city millage. Whenever any bonds for the city are approved, this portion of your property taxes is set aside for repayment on the interest and principal of those bonds. This fund is also reserved for any payment of any judgements against the city.
For additional information or questions about property valuation, assessment and tax levies, please visit the Cleveland County Assessor's website or call their office 405-366-0230.
Example of Tax Statement